
iPhone Case from Paper Shaving Studio

A long time in coming, I finally bought my first iPhone a few months back when the new 4s's were released and I have to say that I am completely in love with it!  It has made my life so much more convenient.  Here are a few of my favorite things so far...

Favorite Features:
-Face Time (I can see my family and friends back east so easily now.  I don't have to make a scheduled Skype appointment because they can just call me.)
-Siri (I love being able to read texts or message while I'm driving with the voice recognition.  It also makes alarms and notes to myself completely effortless.)
-Maps (I've used this so much already)

Favorite Apps:
-Starbucks (I can run inside now without having to bring in my purse because it allows you to pay with your phone.)
-Twitter and Facebook (no brainer here...this helps me stay updated more easily throughout my day.)
-Agenda Calendar (I have been slowly transferring over from my planner and it makes everything so much easier, not to mention my bag a lot lighter.)

In addition to picking up this SWEET phone, I also bought a case that I am completely in love with.  It took me awhile to find something I really wanted because a lot of the cases out there were just not "me".  However, there is an Etsy shop called Paper Shaving Studio run by graphic designer Rachel Singleton where she customizes cases for you.  They immediately grabbed my attention with their bright colors, stripes, and fun designs.  Through her awesome shop I found just what I was looking for.  She even gave me a discount on a future purchase if I decide to buy another case in the future.  How great is that?!   Here is a peek at some of the other cool items in her shop.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post! You've inspired me for a few bowl designs ;O)
